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Government Of Assam Morigaon District

Mandate & Functions

  • Mandate

    The prime objective of Irrigation Department is to provide Irrigation Water to the field in due time and encouraging the farmers for practicing double/multiple cropping where possible, which will improve the Socio-economic condition of the people as a whole.

    1.Increase in agricultural production of the state by introduction of high yielding variety crops with the help of agriculture extension services.

    2.Assured irrigation water during all seasons to the cultivators and protection against famine in addition to creation of irrigation potential through irrigation schemes

    3.Utilization of created irrigation potential to raise the socioeconomic condition of the farmers, by adopting multiple cropping through Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)

    4.Creation of additional Potential through Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation schemes, targeting to cover the entire ultimate Irrigation Potential.

    5.Increasing Irrigation Intensity and practicing multiple cropping, thereby uplifting the socioeconomic conditions of the people of the district

    6.Generation of hydroelectric power from Canal Drop/Fall 7.Improvement of Rural Communication using inspection path provided along important canals.


    The Department is presently operating/ functioning 3(three) types of minor Irrigation scheme:- 
    1. Lift Irrigation scheme.
    2. Deep tube wells.
    3. Shallow tube wells.
    The coverage of Irrigation facilities within the District in comparison to the other district is very low. Hence the Department is in constant touch in studying the natural sources such as rivers, ponds beels tank ect, regarding their availability of water in various seasons of the year which is the principal factor in selecting an Irrigation scheme. Over and above, the department also looks into the matter very seriously in distributing the scanty Irrigation water particularly in the lean period.